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Mission Statement

Helping Others Participate in Exercise (HOPE) is an innovative program designed to provide a safe and unique environment for individuals over the age of 50 to exercise on The University of North Carolina at Greensboro campus. Additionally, HOPE provides practical, hands-on experience for Kinesiology students and research opportunities for faculty.

Goals and Strategies

Our goal is to affordably educate participants, including community members and UNCG faculty and staff, on the benefits and proper techniques of exercise, including aerobic, resistance, balance, and flexibility training. Participants regularly experience physical, cognitive, social, and quality of life benefits. We aim to successfully achieve our goals by allowing participants to work closely with Senior level undergraduate Kinesiology majors, experienced faculty and staff, and experts in other health-related areas. HOPE is a state-of-the- art program that enriches both UNCG and the Greensboro community.

Anne Brady

Program Director


  • Dr. Brady earned her PhD (Kinesiology) and Gerontology Certificate from The University of Georgia

  • Her research interests focus on older adults, physical function, body composition, and muscle quality

  • Dr. Brady has extensive experience working with older adults in clinical and fitness settings



Colby Kirkman

Graduate Assistant


  • Colby earned his BS degree (Kinesiology) from UNCG

  • He is an ACSM certifed Personal Trainer

  • Colby has worked with clients of all ages and ability levels


Student Trainers


  • Kinesiology majors are generally available to personal train participants 2-3 times per week

  • Students have completed course work, including: Anatomy, Physiology, Exercise Physiology, and Exercise Instruction

What are the Participants Saying About HOPE?

One of the best ways to learn about the program, is to hear directly from the participants. Scroll down to read what they have to say about HOPE.  

I have found that by participating in HOPE I am not just healthier, but I am more conscious of what I eat and how much exercise I get.  The exercise improves my mood and helps me sleep better.  I love getting to know the student trainers and learning how they stay fit.  Each has their own special set of skills and knowledge of different forms of exercise, nutrition, and healthy living.  I need the accountability factor. The student trainers are counting on us to be here and if we are not, it effects how well they do in their class.    

-56 y.o. female

I have been in HOPE a number of years. I learned about HOPE from a newsletter left on the table at my  church. Having been a PE major in college  I was familiar with the "ideas" of training but doing training was different. I have had a variety of trainers. Almost all of them knew what to do but some hesitated to do the training.  I have recruited others for the program because I know it works.    

-70 y.o. male

"I have been involved with HOPE off and on for over a dozen years. During this time I have had dozens of student trainers and about 4 faculty instructors. The students have been an interesting mix of skills and backgrounds, and I have appreciated their encouragement to me to hang in there as they hone their own professional skills. I have also seen the program grow as different faculty instructors bring their own strengths and commitments to the program. Surprisingly, I seem to look forward to getting up before 6 AM three days a week to sweat my way through this health and wellness program...this last fall I was prodded and cajoled into running in a 5K race. If there had been an "Over 70" category (which there wasn't), I would have been a winner- and maybe only entrant, but I got a race tee shirt anyway."

- 72 y.o. male



I’ve been in the HOPE program for about 4 years now.  I’ve taken advantage of the program’s personal trainers who have taught me how to properly use the exercise equipment, weight lifting and general stretching/balance exercises.  Having started exercising later in life I find it very comforting to be in the environment UNCG offers where there is always someone there to help if I want to learn something new and not feel out of place because there is such a great age diversity in its members.  The whole experience has really been, and continues to be, a pleasant one. I am accountable for my health and physical exercise helps me to keep my bones strong, my mind sharp and my stress levels down.     - 61 y.o. female

I have been part of the HOPE program for 10 years off and on depending on my schedule and always enjoyed the program. The interaction with the trainers is a real education both from their technical expertise and listening to their life experiences. All the trainers I have had were very knowledgeable about muscle groups and functions of the body. Quite impressive.     -77 y.o. male

While we have only attended 2 sessions...I can already see and feel the benefits of the program in terms of getting and staying more active and intentional about physical activity and my health.  The nutrition session...was very informative with respect to preparing for and benefiting from the workout sessions through better nutrition before, during and after the sessions. 

With regards to the student trainers, I have found [them] to be very good at motivating me, and being sensitive to my personal needs, and limits.  They have shown patience with my inexperience with the equipment and facilities, and taken care to monitor my progress and tailor the routines to my individual needs, most notably the need for agility and balance, and cardiovascular strengthening. 

Keep up the good work and we look forward to continued progress.


-65 y.o. male

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Helping Others Participate in Exercise

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